Promoting understanding, expertise and the 3Rs to the surgical research community
Call for Abstracts
We are excited to announce that abstract submission for the European Academy of Laboratory Animal Surgery congress 2023 is now open!
The EALAS scientific program committee welcome submissions on any topic pertaining to laboratory animal surgery, promoting high standards of surgical and aseptic practice, with particular emphasis as follows. The theme for the inaugural EALAS congress is ‘the way to superior surgery’ with sessions including:
- Back to basics
- Peri-operative management
- Refining surgical models
Please provide the following information: presentation title, presenting author and affiliations, 250-word abstract, and return the completed file to
The deadline for manuscript submission is 15 September 2023. The scientific program committee will inform you if your abstract is accepted by 1 October 2023.
We are also accepting submissions for a short presentation session, each presentation lasting only three minutes. This is an opportunity to share concise information on any surgical topic and we’d like to hear from you with your name and affiliations, along with the title of your three-minute presentation, if you want to take part in our short presentation session.
Please be aware that we require all presenting authors to attend the congress in person. Only accepted abstracts will be included in the printed proceedings of the congress.
We very much look forward to reading your submissions and seeing as many of you as possible in Rome 22-24 November 2023!